The Message of Suratul Faatihah (23) - Madaarijus Saalikeen

Thursday 04-Apr-2024, 11:02AM / 831

Ramadan Day Twenty-Five 

Levels of Guidance: (2 and 3) Allaah Sending Revelation to His Slave, and His Sending His Angel to His human Messenger.

The first part here is a sub-division of what was mentioned yesterday, that is, a form of Allaah speaking directly to His Messengers that we call takleem.

It is purely the issue of Al-Wahy (Revelation) here.

Al-Wahy is linguistically defined as 'a quick but hidden act of passing information.'

There are different forms of wahy that will be later treated (Inshaa Allaah). 

The third level of hidaayah is when Allaah sends His Angel-Messenger to His human-Messenger. 

This and the first two forms of hidaayah are for the Prophets alone, nobody else. 

The Angel-Messenger can come in a human form (as Jibreel appeared to the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - in the Hadeeth of Jibreel), such that the Prophet and those with him could see him with their naked eyes. 

Then the Angel could appear to the Messenger in his real form (as Jibreel appeared to the Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - in the cave of hira in his real form whereby he had sixty wings and he covered all the horizon). 

The third way is when the angel enters into the Messenger and revealed what he was commanded to reveal to him).

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