The Salafiyyah They Refused to Learn

Thursday 25-Apr-2024, 4:08AM / 1216

Read the books of the Salaf but under the guidance of a Rabbani patient foresighted scholar otherwise you will be scattering things as you are doing today. 

It is one thing to read the books of Aqeedah and Manhaj, it is another thing to understand them, then it remains how to apply them.

This was the reason after Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Abbaad, hafidhahullaah, finished reading Muqaddimah Saheeh Muslim and someone asked if they could go into the city and start the application, the Shaykh said they should be patient and learn more. 

The Sunnah was strong in the time of Imaam Maalik - rahimahullah - when he said to the people about a person who asked about the Istiwaa, he asked the people to send him out.

Today the Sunnah is weak, very weak even. If you throw such a person out, you throw him to the wolves outside. So in this context, we would rather educate the person very patiently. 

These things are not learnt in the books, you have to sit by the feet of the scholars for donkey years (even after your first, second and third degrees).

You see those certificates are deceptions, if one does not add to them seeking the people of knowledge physically.

So Najeeb, don't let your certificates make you puff up your chest.

Keep quiet, go and perfect your Qur'aan, learn more of Bayqooniyaat, learn adab etc, and wait for teachers to raise your hand, if nobody raises your hand, teach those close to you in your capacity and worship your Lord until you die. 

That is Salafiyyah you refused to learn.

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