This Is A Total Hogwash, Mallam Abdulgaffar Oniwiridi

Sunday 08-Sep-2024, 6:58PM / 932

A Retort to A Teacher Under  An Unholy Alliance 

So you too would come out to rubbish the advice of Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhaylee - hafidhahullaah?

You just rubbished:

البركة مع الأكابر
'Al-Barakah is with the elders.'

You believe the question posed to the Shaykh was improperly asked?

So you have more knowledge of how to handle fitan more than the Shaykh?

You sincerely believe Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhaylee - hafidhahullaah - doesn’t know the extent of what the issue could have caused in Nigeria?

You said the question should have been 'there are some people in Yorubaland who claim Al-Halabi has no mistakes', does anybody ever made that claim? 
Agreed, if Al-Halabi has one, two, three mistakes, as a human being, is it a must to publicise them? 

So you want to say you are not aware of teachers in Lagos saying they don't support Al-Halabi for defending Al-Ma'ribee, Muhammad Hassan، al-Huwaynee et al but that it is not enough to remove him from Sunnah?

Why this blatant lie, Alfa Oniwiridi? 

That is by the way.

You said you warned people from starting the Fitnah as far as 2020 before you returned from Jaamiah Islamiyyah?

But who started it? 

Who answered a question of fitnah? 

How was the teachers of Sunnah handling it before then?

So it was your best decision to join in the Fitnah when you came back?

So since you have been talking about it, you and your comrades, what has been the result?

Do you think if we all continue this way for the next decade the Fitnah would cease?

You boast (as usual) that you are in and that is it...who assures you will come out safe? 

He said - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - 

إنَّ السعيدَ لَمَنْ جُنِّبَ الفِتَنَ
'The successful one is he saved from fitan...' (Saheeh Abee Daawud) 

Shaykhul Islam - rahimahullah - said:
الفتنة إذا وقعت لم يسلم من التلوُّث بها إلا من عصمه
'When fitnah occurs (between the Muslims) none will be saved from being soiled by it except the one saved by Allaah.'

Please stop this boasting (it is becoming too much of you these days, you were never like this before the Fitnah, can you see?) 

Did we not see the way you were going back and forth on noonaat before collapsing on al-Ghayr? 

The way you got stuck when you were attacking Ibraaz of that teacher, you ought to have been more circumspect in your views. 

You embarrassed yourself and those looking up to you, yet you are too arrogant to make a retraction. 

If you affirmed that the Fitnah has destroyed efforts of 20 years ago, should the Fitnah be encouraged further?

Why don't you discuss the matter of Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree publicly too since he told too has been dubbed mubtadi by same people who dubbed Al-Halabi?

How are you even managing the matter of Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree among yourselves yes you claim laa naj'al khilaafana is baatilah baatilah? 

Issue of Shaykh Ferkous is there and Shaykh Abdullah Imaam?

The matter of Shaykh Ibn Haadee that your young brothers in Pristine Methodology have been firing you and your comrades for is also there. Why don't you answer those boys?

You said calling you people Jabata Face II is Sunnah Sayyi'ah, you forgot to add if calling your brothers (you have lived and dined with in the past) halabiyyoon, mumayyi'ah, hajaawirah, is Sunnah Hasanah. 

Why do you rely much on analogical deductions other than what Allaah and His Messenger say?

Mallam, this Fitnah would not cease unless we all go back to where we were before it. 

The Messenger of Allaah - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - said 

إِنَّها سَتَكُونُ فِتْنَةٌ. فَقالوا: كَيْفَ لَنا يا رسولَ اللهِ؟ ! أوْ كَيْفَ نَصْنَعُ؟ قال: تَرْجِعُونَ إلى أَمْرِكُمُ الأولِ

'There shall be fitnah!' The Companions said: 'What shall be for us or shall we do (to it) O Messenger of Allaah? He said: You should all go back to your first matter.' (as-Saheehah: 3165)

Penned by Aboo Aamir in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria. 

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