A Rejoinder to Abu Mazeedatilkhayr Bn Sa'eed
Praise be to Allâh, may His ceaseless blessings be showered on the prophet( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ ),his households, companions and those who follow his footsteps till the Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail, except him who brings to Allâh a clean heart(from Shirk and Nifaaq (hypocrisy).
To proceed,
It behoves every Muslim to prevent vices and promote virtue, that is why we painstakingly explain those vagueness of one Abu Mazeedah and nothing else, I implore Allâh to accept it as an act of worship.
This man is known for his stylish way of refraining from the truth, his cunning style of enticing his readers with seductive words to accept his nonsensical write- ups which is bereft of intellectual vigour.
He had been tutored (which he sees as threatening) on how to treat Islamic issues notably the sensitive amongst them but he was hellbent on vituperating his venoms.
Now, it is the turn of Salman living in the palace of Fir'aun?!!!
Is Muhammad bn Salman your target?! (Is that the reason why you mockingly called him "That boy") Are Salmoa's fathers and forefathers now good people? Are they criminals no more?! Are the scholars not government scholars any longer?!
The blatant truth is that Muhammad is not your target but Sunnah, Salafiyyah and the Holy land.
We know your kinds "MUSLIM RIGHTS ACTIVISTS". I pray you and your allies understand before it is too late.
Your great mentor Hassan Al Banana said: Our conflict with the Jews is not on the basis of religion,because The Qur'ân enjoins acting at par with them and keeping their companies (Al -Ikhwaanul Muslimuun, 'ahdaathun San'at Thtaarikh by Mahmud 'Abdul Hakeem 1/409)
Sheikh Fawzaan was asked regarding the one who said this and he responded: "This statement has elements of misguidance and mixing up the truth with falsehood, the Jews are Kuffaar because Allâh declared them Kuffaar and even cursed them. Allâh says:
ﻟُﻌِﻦَ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﻛَﻔَﺮُﻭﺍ ﻣِﻦْ ﺑَﻨِﻲ ﺇِﺳْﺮَﺍﺋِﻴﻞ
"Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed".... Q 5:78
The Prophet - salallaahu alahyi wa sallam - also says:
May the curse of Allâh be upon the Jews and the Christians."
The conflict between us is religious and it does not behove us to make friends with them nor love because the Qur'ân forbade us from that." (Al- Ajwibatul Mufeedah)
It is pertinent to mention at this juncture that our scholars correct the leaders as enshrined in the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the prophet( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ ) not publicizing it in order to create chaos and commotion!
That is why when Sheikh Fawzaan was asked regarding rebelling against the rulers notably the Monarchs he answered with clear and unambiguous words:
“There is no doubt that the rulers, just like people besides them, are not infallible. Advising them is an obligation. However, attacking them in the gatherings and upon the pulpits is considered to be the forbidden form of backbiting. And this evil is greater than that which occurred from the ruler since it is backbiting and because of what results from backbiting such as the sowing of the seeds of discord, causing disunity and affecting the progression of daʿwah (the call to Islām). Hence what is obligatory is to make sure advice reaches the rulers by sound and trustworthy avenues, not by publicizing and causing commotion. And as for reviling the Scholars of this country, that they do not give advice [to the rulers], or that they are being controlled in their affairs, this is a method by which separation between the Scholars, the youth and the society is desired, until it becomes possible for the mischief-maker to sow the seeds of his evil. This is because when evil suspicions are harbored about the Scholars, trust is no longer placed in them and then the chance is available for the biased partisans to spread their poison. And I believe that this thought is actually a schemed plot that has come into this country, and those who are behind it are foreign to this country . It is obligatory upon the Muslims to be cautious of it.”(Al Ajwibatu-l- Mufeedah)