No Leniency for The Muslim Brotherhood
[A Must Read]
Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad and his household and Companions all together.
To proceed:
It is very disheartening that the mistake Abu Mazeedah is mocking and at the same time reproaching the Saudi scholars for is what he is asking the Salafis in Nigeria to also repeat by mixing with the innovators from among the Brotherhood and others, so that we can have similar experience to that of the Saudi Arabia; then it would be too late to rectify and one may not be excused by Allah; because this is a course adopted while one has been fully aware of its evil consequences.
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, has said: “ لا يلدغ المؤمن من حجر مرتين” meaning “ A believer is not bitten in a hole twice “ i.e once bitten twice shy. We should learn from the bitter experience of others. However, the Saudi Scholars did not recommend them to teach aqeedah in their institutions; rather they were employed to teach in their various fields of specialization such as fiqh, and its principles ,natural sciences, etc.
However, when some of their students who had been wrongly indoctrinated grew up and rose to sensitive positions in the ministries, the viruses of the Brotherhood were injected in the system.
Ministry of education was not free from this too.They tampered with the syllabus, introduced some harakiyyah and bid’ah in it.
Yes, the scholars had had good opinion of them, praised them as they saw them as people who had been maltreated and wronged by their government which was championing Arab nationalism while the Brotherhood on the other hand were clamoring for Islam and the laws of Allah.
The scholars were lenient with them( just as Abu Mazeedah wants us to be lenient with them now ) although they later regretted it . Yes, the scholars would criticize any error the attention was called to in their books, but they never knew the volume of the poisons in some works .
For instance, the Permanent Committee in its Fatawa ,Volume 2, page158 commented on a statement in a recommended book by Muhammad Qutb
“ألفاظ فيها سوء أدب مع الله السؤال الثاني من الفتوى رقم (٩٢٣٤) : س٢: أنا مدرس في مدرسة ثانوية ليلى، ومما قرأته في [كتاب التوحيد] عبارة ترددت فيها واستنكرتها، فأرجو إفادتي عن مدى صحتها ومناسبتها لمقام رب العالمين: فقد ورد في [كتاب التوحيد] الذي ألفه محمد قطب في الصف الثاني الثانوي صفحة ٢٣ في السطر ١٧ العبارة: (فإذا جاء الرسول من عند الله يقول: يا قوم، اعبدوا الله ما لكم من إله غيره. وهو ما قاله كل رسول لقومه فهو في الحقيقة ينادي برد السلطان المغتصب إلى الله صاحب الحق وحده في التشريع للناس وفي تقرير الحلال والحرام والمباح وغير المباح) ، وفي كتاب الصف الثالث لنفس المؤلف صفحة ٨٢ في آخرها ثلاثة أسطر ذكر أن معنى لا إله إلا الله: رد السلطة المغتصبة التي يستعبد بها الناس إلى صاحبها الحقيقي إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى رب الجميع. وقد أمسكت عنها فلم أصفها بجواز أو عدمه فأرجو إفادتي. ج٢: لا نعلم بأسا فيما ذكرته من حيث المعنى، ولكن الأسلوب فيه سوء أدب مع الله؛ لأنه سبحانه لا يستطيع أحد أن يقهره على أخذ حقه، بل هو القاهر فوق عباده، ولكن المشرك والحاكم بغير ما أنزل الله قد اعتديا على حق الله وحكمه وخالفا شرعه. وبالله التوفيق. وصلى الله على نبينا محمد، وآله وصحبه وسلم. اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء عضو ... عضو ... نائب رئيس اللجنة ... الرئيس عبد الله بن قعود ... عبد الله بن غديان ... عبد الرزاق عفيفي ... عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز
Another example of this is the rejoinder of Ibn Baaz to Muhammad Qutb which is in the audio posted yesterday.when Muhammad Qutb said in his answer to a question where he submitted that sheikh Ibn Abdulwahhaab justifiably revolted against the Uthman empire as there were a lot shirk during the Uthman rule.
Sheikh Ibn Baaz on the other convincingly refuted this assertion as he established with facts that Muhammad bn Abdilwahhab never revolted against the Uthman empire.
However ,when the scholars attentions were later drawn to too many intolerable errors in their books and lectures, they started warning against them and their methodology, although the viruses had affected a lot of youths in the society.
Sheikh Ibn Baaz who died 1999 got know them better and warned against them some months before his death; he categorized them among the deviant 72 sects in his audio explanation of منتقى الأخبار “” by Majddeen Ibn Taymiyyah.
Many other scholars also warned against them recanting their previous recommendations; scholars such as sheikh al-Fawzan, sheikh al-‘Abbaad, sheikh al-Luhaydan and many others having read and listened to their heresies expunged them from Ahlus-Sunnah wal-jama’ah agreeing with their fellow scholars who had considered them among the 72 deviant sects since the nineties ;praise be to Allah that has eventually united the scholars of Sunnah on knowing this deviant sect; although they almost succeeded in deviding the scholars of Sunnah Before conclusion, i must state here that most of my criticism of this jamaa’h is based on the statements of the members of the jamaa’h themselves either those that have broken away from them such Muhammad al-Gazaali in his book “ من معالم الحق في كفاحنا الإسلامي الحديث" where he attacked the Brotherhood and accused them of making a freemason their murshid referring to Hasan al-Hudsybi and also accepting the membership of some freemasons.
Likewise Muhammad Habeeb, another breakaway who was the deputy murshid during leadership of Mahdi A’kif, also criticized them in many interviews which are downloadable.
Another breakaway is kamal al-Halbawi, the former spokesman of the international organization of the jamaa’h; likewise Abdul-mun’im Abul-Futuh; all these people belong to the reformist group who accused Guidance Bureau of adopting the violent approach of Sayyid Qutb.
I also rely on the works of the members who remained with it till their death such as Umar at-Tilmisaani, the third Murshid in his book " شهيد المِحْراب “ which contains a lot of shirkiyyaat , likewise “!الإخوان المسلمون أحداث صنعت التاريخ “ by Mahmud Abdul Haleem. Works of Yusuf al-Qardawi such as أولويات الحركة الإسلامية "” الشيخ الغزالي كما عرفته” are also very relevant on this topic likewise his audios. The book ”" التاريخ السري للإخوان المسلمين by Ali Ashmaawi , a member of the Secret apparatus, has said a lot about this jamaa’h.