List of accusations the 5 brothers have to individually deny or repent from "generally" just like the speaker made it general. But if they deny and seek details the speaker will provide detailed evidences. In shaa Allah.
1. Cooperation upon sins and transgressions.
2. Their being from the chief causers of fitna of "as-s'afaqah" and "Al-Halabiy". (Between them and the teachers mentioned). And pushing of blames as regard the origin.
3. Speaking ill about anyone they see erring or deem erring and deeming it permissible to call them evil names in the name of fighting a person that made "fisq" apparent.
4. Starting problems that people don't know about in the community under the banner of "tamyeez". Their believing they are different from everyone else. Their believe of being superior to everyone else because of the fitna of S'afaqah.
5. Did the two scholars use them for any purpose?
6. Their using the fitna of S'afaqah to call to themselves. Who are the salafis? Their agreeing with words of the boy who said they should be used as test for the people and believing they deserve it.
7. Acting mannerlessly and being the cause of why many callers started speaking on the issue of S'afaqah. They and the two teachers (being the cause. The two teachers are free from acting mannerlessly).
8. The speaker doesn't believe they think anyone is upon "steadfastness" upon the Sunna except themselves.
9. Dealing with people of sunnah like innovators.
10. The writer who claimed he isn't pleased with being used as a test believes he and the other individual can be used (contrary to what was made public).
11. They also need to learn and be in madrasah.
12. Their not being pleased with whoever doesn't support or promote whatever evil thing they put out even if it contains: sins, lack of manners and transgressions. Etc. Even if a person agrees with them on their good positions which is not special to them, they will never be pleased with the person as long as he has any reservation for somethings that come from them. Their having evil thoughts about muslims.
13. Emulating the HaddÄdiyyah in never being pleased with people saying a person has been disparaged by the scholars. Rather, the person must say "an innovator". Al-HajÅ«riy as a case study. Their warning against people for this purpose.
14. Challenge to mention a Yorùbá lecture for elderly Yorùbá speakers!!! They turned themselves to those people should listen to due to issues connected to this.
15. Abu Anwar's believing people can't be excused nor given excuses nor defended once a said error is apparent from them. (Else, it equates defending falsehood and people of falsehood.)