What Happened to MSSN 2011 National Symposium on Good Governance?

Saturday 10-Nov-2018, 5:00PM / 1793


May Allaah keep us steadfast on the path of Sunnah. Many ugly things are happening in the Muslim communities especially among their youths who hitherto claim to be upon the Sunnah. Democracy has become a scourge upon them.

O Allaah, help the Ummah.

The Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria is one of the afflicted Muslim youths by this democracia. The Muslim Congress, Tadaamunul-Muslimeen and Ta’awun, all of south west Nigeria enclave, have also been hit ever since. And if you go up north, beyond River Niger and River Benue, the afflictions arising from democracy is everywhere. It is as if the Muslims have forgotten the possible enthronement of the Sharee’ah.

Innaa lilaahi wa innaa ilayhi raajiuun.

Conferences upon conferences, the Muslim youths are being tossed about by the politicians. The highest bidders among the latter, that make the pockets fat, always take the lead. So the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria organized a symposium in 2011 all over the geo-political zones of Nigeria, to use the cliché, the title at the South-West Zone was: ‘The Responsibilities of Youths in Resolving Leadership Crisis in Nigeria.’ The keynote address in that conference was delivered by a sitting [but who is about to leave now] governor in one of the South-West states.

So what happened to that symposium and many after it? Where is now the good governance? What have you now got? And most importantly where is your Eemaan?

O Allaah, save the Ummah from disgrace arising from participation in democracy.