The First People to Introduce the Bid'ah of Celebrating Maulidu-n-Nabiyy

Wednesday 14-Nov-2018, 9:34AM / 1704

Translation: Kamal Ololade

All praise is due to Allaah the Lord of the worlds. May Peace and Blessings be upon the noblest of Messengers, and upon his entire household  companions.

As to what follows,

The first, second and third favoured generations elapsed and the books of history never recorded for us that anyone among the companions, or the Taabi'een, or the Taabi'ee Taabi'een and those who came after them- with their strong love for the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم- with the fact that they are the most knowledgeable about Sunnah, and that they are the most passionate about following the legislation of the Prophet - that any of them celebrated the birthday of the Prophet.

And the first people to innovate this Bid'ah are Banu 'Ubayd al-Qaddaah who called themselves Fatimids. They ascribed themselves to the son of 'Aliy Bn Abi Taalib while in reality they were the founders of the Baatiniyah movement (a movement of mysticism that claims hidden knowledge). Their ancestor was Ibn Deesaan known as al-Qaddaah. He was a slave to Ja'far  Ibn Muhammad as-Saadiq. He was from Ahwaz (a city in the southwest of Iran and the capital of Khuzestan province) and one of the founders of the Baatiniy movement- that was in Iraq. He later traveled to Maghrib and in that region he ascribed himself to 'Aqeel Ibn Abi Taalib and claimed he was from his descendants. When some people from the fanatical Rawaafid (Shi'a) joined his movement , he calmed that he was one of the children of Muhammad Ibn Isma'eel Ibn Ja'far as-Saadiq even though Muhammad Ibn Isma'eel Ibn Ja'far as-Saadiq died and was not survived by any offspring. Among those who followed him was: Hamdaan Qarmat and it is to him the Qarmatians derived their origin (a syncretic branch of Sevener Ismaili Shia that combined elements of Zoroastrianism. They are most known for their revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate. Mecca was sacked by the sect’s leader, Abu Tahir al-Jannabi, outraging the Muslim world, particularly with their theft of the Black Stone and desecration of the Zamzam Well with corpses during the Hajj season of 930 CE.). 

After they had been operating for some times, the one known as as Sa'eed Ibn al-Husayn Bn Ahmad Bn Abdullaah Bn Maymun Bn Deesaan al-Qaddaah rose and changed his name and his lineage and he said to his followers:
"I am 'Ubaydullaah Bn al-Hasan Bn Muhammad Bn Isma'eel Bn Ja'far as-Saadiq". Then, his fitnah (trial) emerged in Maghrib. 

In the year 402 (A.H), a group of scholars, judges, the noble, the just, the righteous, the jurists, the scholars of Hadeeth wrote a treatise which entails  calling into question and challenging as false the claim of the Fatimids -Ubaydiyeen- as to their lineage. They as well testified as agianst the claim of the Fatimids)  that the ruler in Egypt- Mansoor Bn Nazaar who was nicknamed "al-Haaakim"( may Allah decree for him disrepute and ruin) Bn Ma'd Bn Isma'eel Bn Abdullaah Bn Sa'eed (may Allaah not grant him happiness)- verily, (it was) when he got to the lands of Maghrib he named himself Ubaydullah and took up the nickname Mahdiy. And that his predecessors before him were false claimants ( with regards to their lineage) and Khawaarij.

 They shared no lineal relation with the children of 'Aliy Bn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) and there was no one from the descendants of the house of 'Aliy Bn Abi Taalib,  who generally speaking, it was established that he is from the Khawaarij. 

Indeed, this refutation of their falsehood was widespread in the two holy holy sites and at the inception of their escapade in Maghrib such that it was not easy for them to cover up and confuse anyone about their affairs; or that anyone in the wildest imagination would believe them in their claims.
 And (they as well testified) that this ruler in Egypt, he and his predecessors are infidels, immoral transgressors, atheist miscreants, deniers of the attributes of Allaah, rejecters of Islam, and adherents to the ways of the Magian polytheists; they suspended all penal codes, and licenced whoredom; they permitted alcohol drinking and shed innocent blood; they disparaged prophets and cursed the Salaf (righteous predecessors); they claimed lordship over people. This was written in the 402 year after Hijrah. A large number of people penned down their handwriting in this report.
The summary of the foregoing is that, the first to celebrate Maulidu-n-Nabiyy (birthday of the prophet) were Banu 'Ubayd al-Qaddaah (the Fatimids). It becomes obvious that this celebration- i.e. celebrating the birthday of the Prophet was not from the action of the Salaf nor was it from the action of the first three favoured generations; and it is compulsory on the Muslims to wake up on this matter, and be followers of the Sunnah of their prophet not innovators.

We ask Allah to guide everyone of us and grant us success in conforming to His straight path; make us see truth as truth and enable us to follow it; make us see evil as evil and enable us to avoid it. Verily He is the Guardian over that and Capable of doing so. And Allah knows best.

Courtesy: At-Tarbiyyah Forum on Whatsapp.