Islam in Africa: The Sufi Influence (IV)

Thursday 21-Oct-2021, 12:48AM / 886

Translation Work by Misbaah Olagunju on Shaykh Al-Jaami's Work 

Click here for the last episode 

The Aim of The Sufi Callers (IV) 

The fourth aim of the Sufi call was to gird up themselves as masters of all strives so as to attain what they call Al-Huriyah Al-Mutlaqah (Absolute Freedom) and this implies complete disentanglement from all obligations, and that is the religion of Wahdatul Wujuud (Unity of All Existence) - a belief which holds that all things both living and non-living and Allah are one and the same and existing within one another - waiyaazubillah), and they consider some apostates like Ibn Arabi and Ibn Faaridh to be from their Aqtaab (plural of qutb: a Suufi superior master), and they have altered the meaning of Al-Wusuul (arrival/attainment) to refer to what they become of Zanaadiqah (herestics) and exiting the confines of the Kitaab and the Sunnah, and they nickname these Zanaadiqah as Al-Waasiluun: the 'real' knowers of Allaah. Al-Aqtaab: superior masters, and Akhyarul Gawthil A'azam: most distinguished grandiose supreme masters.

(to be continued Inshaa Allaah)