Islam in Africa: The Sufi Influence (VII)

Friday 21-Jan-2022, 1:04AM / 1088

Translation Work by Misbaah Olagunju on Shaykh Al-Jaami's Work 

The Aim of The Sufi Callers (VII)

This stanza (in the last episode, see here) is from his popular ‘Taaiyah' which the Suufi Mashayikh used to get hysteric for whenever it is being chanted. 

You have seen that he claimed that he became the Rabb (Lord) and the ‘Abd (slave) at the same instant, the slave observing Salat and the Lord for whom it was being observed. 

One of their heads —presumed to be Ibn ‘Arabiy (not Ibn Al-Arabiyy of the people of Sunnah) — did clearly declare this interpretation when he said:

الرب عبد والعبد رب  ##   ÙÙŠØ§ ليت شعري من المكلف
The Lord is slave and the slave is Lord
Would that my poetry/hair was a mukallaf

This is the status which every Suufi Shaykh is longing and striving to attain as it is known to everyone who has related with the group. So is it plausible to include this interpretation into the understanding of Ad-Dawah Al-Islamiyyah?!!

As for the second stanza, it was said by Al-Kawlakhi Al-Afriqiy while he was calling people to his sanctification and to exceed in it till the level of worship, claiming that loving him and seeing him are two obligations for a person to be admitted into  Al-Jannah and there was nothing more preposterous when he said:

ومن أحبني ومن رآني   ##   ÙÙŠ جنة الخلد بلا بهتان
And whoever loves me and sees meÙ¨
Will be in paradise eternally without aspersion

Sufficient are these paradigms from the statements of this group as witnessed, and proofs to buttress what I have mentioned of their excesses and what I have set forth of their conditions and attributes, and whoever desires more then available to him are their books which are widely circulated in their territories. WaAllahul Musta'aan.

(To be continued, Inshaa Allaah)