Saeed bn Musayyab, Ibn Seereen, Fudayl bn Iyaad and Other Notable Salaf (1)

Wednesday 02-Nov-2022, 8:19AM / 1232

Compilation of Aboo Aamir, Is'haaq bn AbdirRaheem

Sa'eed bn Al-Musayyab
He was an Imaam, Shaykhul-Islam and jurist of Madeenah. He was regarded as the best among the Taabiuun in terms of knowledge. He was born in the first two years of the reign of Umar bn Al-Khattaab; there was a different of opinion whether he heard from Umar or not. But he heard narrations from Uthmaan, Zayd bn Thaabit, Aaishah, Abu Hurairah, etc, much of his narrations were from Abu Hurairah such that he married the daughter of Abu Hurairah. Sa'eed was very knowledgeable, very polite, deep in the religion and always speaking the truth. Other Taabiuun used to rely on his judgments because he was more conversant with the judgments of the Messenger of Allâh (Sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) and his Companions than any other person.

He was a devout person such that he performed the Hajj forty times. He was also a knowledge seeker; he used to travel far and wide in search of knowledge.

Al-Ajdee reported that Sa'eed bn Al-Musayyab would not take grants from rulers so that he would not be afflicted by them. He was a business man of a sort; he would trade in oil (for home use) and other items. 

It was said that he died in year 105 Hijrah. May Allâh bestow mercy on him.

Ur'wah bn Az-Zubayr
His father (Az-Zubayr bn Awwaam) was among the Ten given the tidings of Jannah from the earth. He was one of the sons of As'maa bint Abee bakr – the sister of Aaisah. Ur'wah was the scholar of Madeenah during his time. He was born during the reign of Uthmaan bn Affaan. He heard narrations from some Companions of the Messenger of Allâh (Sallalahu alayhi wa sallam). He took most of his knowledge from his maternal aunt, Aaisah. He knew history and was a very reliable person in narrations.

He was also a devout person. One of his sons, Hishaam, reported that he died while observing fast, and that he used to recite one-fourth of the Qur'aan in his daily Tahaajud. He never missed the activity except the night when his leg was cut.

Al-Hasan Al-Basree
He was Abu Saeed. He grew up in Madeenah and memorized the Book of Allaah there. He was born during the reign of Uthman bn Affaan; he heard him severally deliver speeches. On the day Uthman was murdered, Al-Hasan was 14 years old.

He then grew up to engage in Jihaad and learning. He became a writer, in the reign of Muaawiya, for a Governor of Khurasaan by name Ar-Rabee' bn Ziyaad. He heard narrations from a number of Companions of the Messenger of Allâh (Sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) such as Uthmaan (as earlier indicated), Imraan bn Husayn, Al-Mugheerah bn Ash-Shu'bah, Abdur-Rahmaan bn Sam'rah, etc.

Ibn Sa'd said about him in his Tabaqaat: 'He was very knowledgeable, highly-profiled, reliable in narrations, a proof, a devout person, a hajj-goer, eloquent, handsome and good-looking.'
He died in year 110 Hijrah when he was eighty-eight years old.

Al-Layth bn Sa'd
He was an Imaam and the leading scholar of the Egyptian Province in his time. He heard narrations from a number of notable Taabiuun such as Attaa, Az-Zuhree, Ibn Abee Mulaikah, etc.

Imaam Ash-Shaafi was of the opinion than Imaam Al-Layth was more knowledgeable than Imaam Maalik only that his students did not raise his status.

Imaam Al-Layth was a very rich scholar. From Egypt, he used to send money to Imaam Maalik to take care of his needs; he would send about one hundred Deenar to him every year. When the house of Ibn Laee'ah got burnt, Imaam Al-Layth gave him one thousand Deenar to build a new house.

Imam Al-Layth died in mid-Sha'baan of year 175 Hijrah when he was 81 years old. May Allâh bestow mercy on Imaam Al-Layth.

Al-Imaam Maalik
He is the jurist of the Ummah, the Imaam of the Home of Hijrah. He heard from a number of notable Taabiuun such as Naafi, Saalim, Al-Maqburi, Nuaym Al-Mujmir, Az-Zuhree, etc. among the students of Az-Zuhree, Imaam Maalik was outstanding.

Imam Shaafi said: 'When scholars are mentioned, Maalik is a star.' And he said: 'If not Maalik and Ibn Uyaynah, all the knowledge of Hijaaz would go away.' Ibn Wahb said: 'If not Maalik and Al-Layth (bn Sa'd), we would go astray.'

Shu'bah bn Hajaaj said: 'I arrived in Madeenah a year after the death of Naafi (Maula Ibn Umar) and I met Maalik having a Halqah.'

Imaam Maalik said: 'I did not begin to give religious verdicts until seventy (teachers of mine) testified that I was capable of doing so.'

Ishaaq bn Ibraahim said: 'When Ath-Thauree, Maalik and Al-Auzaai agreed on a matter, it becomes a Sunnah even if there is no proof for it.'

Al-Imaam Maalik was famous for this statement: ‘There is none among us except that he (possesses the ability to) reject a statement and that his (own statement be susceptible to being) rejected.’

Al-Imaam Maalik lived for 86 years. He was born in year 93 Hijrah.

He was Abu Amr Aamir bn Sharaaheel Al-Hamdaanee Al-Kuufee. He was born during the reign of Umar bn Al-Khattaab. He was an Imaam, a memorizer, a jurist and an expert in various Islamic fields.

He heard narration from the Companions such as Imraan bn Husayn, Jareer bn Abdillâh, Abu Hurairah, Ibn Abbaas, Aaisha etc.

In the opinion of Sulaymaan At-Taymee, Ash-Sha'bee was more knowledgeable than Ibn Al-Musayyab, Taawus, Attaa, Al-Hasan and Ibn Seereen.

Ibn Seereen said: 'Stay with Ash-Sha'bee, verily I saw him giving verdicts while the Companions of the Messenger of Allâh were available.'

He used to say: ‘I never put a black ink on a white paper, or that a person should narrate a hadith to me that I should love that he repeated it to me; a man would not tell me of a hadith except that I memorized it. ’

When Al-Hasan Al-Basrî (rh) announced the death of Imam As-Sha'bî, he said: ‘By Allâh, he was very knowledgeable, forbearing and old in accepting Islâm.’

Muhammad bn Bishr said Ash-Sha’bi said: ‘Be wary of a scholar who is a transgressor, and a worshipper who is ignorant; both of them are sources of trial.’

Dâwud bn Abî Hind said Ash-Sha’bi said: ‘Men are three (in category): A (complete) man, half-man and no-man. As for a complete man, he is the one who has intellect and will seek advice; half-man does not have intellect but will seek advice; no-man has no intellect and will not seek advice.’

Imam Dhahabi said: He was one of the prominent scholars.

Sufyaan bn Uyaynah said: People used to say after the companions of the Prophet; Ibn abbass (was the schaolr) of his time; Ash-Sha'abi was (the scholar) of ihis time and Ath-Thauri was (the scholar) of  his time.

Imam Ash-Sha'abi died after 100 years Hijrah. May Allâh have mercy on him.

Al-Ash'ath reported from Ibn Seereen that the latter said: 'I arrived in Kuufah, there was a very huge Halqah of Ash-Sha'bee in place while the Companions of the Messenger of Allâh were many.'

May Allâh bestow mercy on Al-Imaam Ash-Sha'bee.

Ibrahîm At-Taymî
He is Ibraahim bn Yazid bn Shareek At-Taymee. He was among the devout worshippers and he was a scholar. Al-A’mash said about him: ‘When he fell in prostration, sparrows would land on his back pecking.’ He was born 152 Hijrah and died 192 [he was among those killed by Hajjaaj bn Yuusuf]. He was accused of Ir’jaa and Tadlees. However the hadith collectors such as Al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, etc. reported from him.

Habîb bn Shahîd
He is Abu Muhammad Al-Basree, among the young Taabieen. He was called Abu Shaheed. He was born 79 Hijrah and died 145.

Muhammad bn Seereen
He is Muhammad bn Sireen, abu bakr bn Abi am’rah al-Basree. His father was a former slave to anas bn Maalik (the Sahabi). He was a brother to Anas, Ma’bad, Hafsah and Kareemah. He met with many Companions of the Prophet such as Anas bn Maalik, Abdullah bn Umar, Imraan bn Husayn, Abu Hurairah, Hudhaifah bn yamaan, etc. among his students was Qataadah bn Di’aamah. 

Ibn Aun said about him: 'My eyes have not seen the like of Ibn Seereen.'

Abu Awaanah said: 'I saw Ibn Seereen; there was none that would see him except that he would glorify Allâh.'

Ibn Seeren was a jovial person, he died in year 110 Hijrah. May Allâh bestow mercy on him.

He died 110 Hijrah.

Fudayl bn Iyaad
He is Fudayl bn Iyaad bn Mas’uud bn Bushr Al-Yar’buu’ Abu Ala. He was of Khurasaan origin but lived in Makkah, and born at Samr’qand. He was one of the middle students of the Atbaaut-Taabieen.

Ibn Hajar said about him: ‘He is trustworthy, is a worshipper and an Imam.’

He used to be a smart highway robber. He repented from the act of banditry when one day when scaling a fence he heard  a reciter from the house he wanted to rob reciting a portion of the Qur’ân which goes thus:

“Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) to be affected by Allâh's Reminder (this Qur'ân), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).” [Hadid: 16]

When he heard the verse, he said: ‘Yes now my Lord.’ He thus left the place and got to a ruined spot, that night, beside a much-trodden path, where some traders were arguing with one another whether they should continue on a particular journey or not. One of them said: ‘Should we continue this journey while Fudayl is on the road robbing (people)?’ Fudayl overheard that comment (unknown to those traders) so he vowed to repent finally from his act and to confine himself to the sanctuary of the Ka’bah.

He died at Makkah at 187 Hijrah during the era of Haarun Rasheed. Said: Ibn Katheer about him in Al-Bidaayah Wa An-Nihaayah:

' He was born in Khorasan in the district of Abîwar'd; he arrived in Kufah as an old person, there, he heard (hadith) narrations from Al-A'mash, Mansûr bn Al-Mu'tamar, Atâ bn As-Sâib, Husayn bn AbdurRahman and others. 

From Kufah, he moved to Makkah where he devoted his life to worship. He was excellent in reciting the Qur'ân and much in observance of Salat and fasting. He was a master and a person of high status, also a trustworthy person from among the narrators of hadith. May Allâh be merciful to him, and may He be pleased with him.'

He was the one that said: ‘Leaving off an act because of people constitutes showing-off, and acting because of people is Shir’k,’ Ikhlaas (safety) is that Allaah should save one from both.’ May Allaah show mercy on him.

Click HERE for Part Two.