Who are the Nusayris (Alawites)?

Thursday 12-Dec-2024, 1:53AM / 925

Map of Syria

Who are the Nusayris (Alawites)?
They are the ones who sided with every invader of Muslim lands. The French colonialists in Syria gave them the name Alawites as a means of disguise and to obscure their true identity.

The Nusayris are a misguided sect and one of the most dangerous branches of esoteric groups that deviated from Islam. They disguise themselves with the appearance of religion, but in reality, they are opposed to its very pillars and foundations.

This sect emerged in the 3rd century AH at the hands of a man named Muhammad ibn Nusayr al-Namiri, who died in 270 AH. He openly displayed blatant disbelief by claiming prophethood and later divinity, introducing corrupt beliefs designed to destroy Islam from within.

This group deifies Khalifah Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and considers him a god incarnated in human form. They claim that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is merely the gatekeeper to the divine Alee. This belief is a form of shirk (polytheism) that expels one from the fold of Islam.

The Nusayri leader, Hussein ibn Hamdan al-Khasibi (260–346 AH), states that Abdullah ibn Saba and his followers were not mistaken when they proclaimed the divinity of Ali ibn Abi Talib, a claim they openly repeated multiple times. He asserts that Ibn Saba and his followers were the people of Ashab al-Ukhdud (the companions of the trench), referenced in Surah al-Buruj in the Quran. He interprets the Quranic verse {And they resented them only because they believed in Allah, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy} [85:8] as referring to them.

The Alawites express their devotion and allegiance to Ibn Saba through the Maqam al-Arba'in (Shrine of the Forty) overlooking Qardaha in Latakia. This shrine is considered sacred to Ibn Saba and his forty companions who were burned by Ali ibn Abi Talib. The Nusayris visit this site and seek blessings from it.

If someone asks how the Nusayris can revere Ibn Saba and his followers when Ali ibn Abi Talib supposedly burned them, the answer according to their belief is: the fire that burned them was not literal fire. Instead, it was a manifestation of Allah that appeared in the form of fire to deceive people. This fire is one of the sacred fires revered by the Nusayris. Their leader, Ibrahim Marhej, mentions these sacred fires, saying:

The seven sacred fires are:

The three fires of Musa (Moses) in the sacred valley,

The fire of Habil (Abel),

The fire of Ibrahim (Abraham),

The fire of Abdullah ibn Saba,

And the eternal fire of Allah.

These seven fires are examples of divine manifestations in the form of lights. They are called "fire" to maintain secrecy and conceal their inner doctrines.

The Nusayris increased in misguidance by cursing the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them), especially Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman, whom they hold responsible for what they call the "usurpation of the caliphate" from Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). They consider cursing and reviling them as part of their false worship.

The Nusayris neither pray nor fast as prescribed by Allah. Instead, they distort the pillars of Islam and reinterpret them with their falsehoods. For them, prayer is not bowing and prostrating but recognizing their shaykhs and imams. Fasting, in their view, is concealing their blasphemous secrets, and pilgrimage is not to the House of Allah in Makkah but to the graves of their shaykhs.

They celebrate the festivals of Zoroastrians and Christians, such as Nowruz and Christmas, and drink wine, which they regard as "divine light." They engage in vile rituals that involve forbidden acts and immorality. They also promote ceremonies involving wine and women to attract followers to their religion.

Throughout history, the Nusayris have consistently aligned themselves with the enemies of Islam. They collaborated with the Crusaders against Muslims in the Levant, allied with the Mongols during their invasion of Islamic lands, and sided with the Safavids in spreading discord and waging wars against the Sunni community.

▪️Nusayri Betrayals Throughout History

— During the Crusades (1096–1291 CE):
The Nusayris allied with the Crusaders against the Muslims, aiding them in the occupation of Antioch by guiding them through routes and ensuring their supplies. In several areas of the Levant, they acted as a fifth column, facilitating the Crusaders' penetration into Muslim territories.

— During the Mongol Invasion:
When the Mongols swept through the Islamic world, the Nusayris were among the first to collaborate with them. In 1258 CE, when the Mongols entered Baghdad, killed the Abbasid caliph, and destroyed the caliphate, the Nusayris supported them. Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, a covert Nusayri, became one of the Mongols' advisors and played a role in convincing them to eliminate the Abbasid state.

After World War I and the Fall of the Ottoman Empire:
The Nusayris allied with the French colonialists who occupied Syria in 1920 CE. The French enabled them to dominate the Syrian coast and established a Nusayri state in the Alawite Mountains between 1922 and 1946. The French renamed them "Alawites" to improve their image among Muslims, but their essence remained unchanged.

— After Syria's Independence:
The Nusayris infiltrated the Syrian army, and Hafez al-Assad eventually seized power through a coup in 1970. He established a sectarian Nusayri regime that targeted Islam and Muslims, committing horrific atrocities such as the Hama Massacre in 1982, where over 40,000 Muslims were killed, and the city was destroyed in one of the worst massacres of modern times.

— Since the Syrian Efforts in 2011:
The Nusayri regime, under Bashar al-Assad, has continued its bloody legacy, bombing cities and mosques, killing, detaining, and torturing Muslims, showing unwavering brutality against the Syrian people.

History is filled with evidence of the Nusayris' betrayal and their alliances with the enemies of Islam, including the Crusaders, Mongols, and colonial powers. This makes them a perpetual threat to the Muslim Ummah. Muslims must be aware of both their historical and current dangers and work to spread the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah among Muslims to counter their deviant ideology and confront their alliances with the enemies of the Ummah, as seen in Syria and other regions.

When we discuss the modern Jewish revival, orchestrated by Freemasonry and culminating in the establishment of the State of Israel, we observe a parallel revival of esoteric sects beginning in the mid-19th century. This coincidence is no accident but evidence of a single force behind both movements. The same power that created the State of Israel in Palestine also established the Alawite state in Syria, revived Ismailism in Iran and India, and introduced religions based on the concept of Mahdism, such as Babism, Baha'ism, and Qadianism. Together, these movements form a unified system aimed at bringing forth the awaited Jewish Messiah (al-Masih), who aligns with the description of the Mahdi expected by various Shia sects. These descriptions correspond to none other than the Jewish Messiah, also known as the Dajjal (the Antichrist).

History has repeatedly proven, from the Crusades in 491 AH to the Ghouta massacres in 2013 CE, that the Nusayris have always been a dagger in the side of Islam.

We ask Allah, the Almighty, to protect the Muslims from the evil of tribulations, sects, and deviant groups, and to unite the Muslims against their enemies.

Credit: @inpic0

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