Believers Will See Their Lord on the Day of Qiyaamah

Saturday 17-Nov-2018, 10:03AM / 1290

Don't you hear the Caller of Îmân informing from the caller of blissful Jannah:

O its dwellers, you have a promise with Ar-Rahmân, He will surely fulfill it to you with security.

They said: 'Haven't you whitened our faces so also you made our loads to weigh heavy on the scale?

'So also you have made us to enter the Gardens when you saved us from entering the fires.'

Then He will say: 'I have a promise whose time has come for Me to fulfill to you with My Mercy and Kindness.'

Then they will see Him clearly after removing His Screen. Muslim reports it so with clarity.

The information has come to us in the Sahîhayn which are the two most authentic books after Qur'ân;

With a narration from a reliable and truthful narrator whose name is Jarîr Al-Bajaliyy from he who came with the Qur'ân (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam):

That the slaves will see Him – the Mighty – with the naked eyes as the sun and the moon are seen. If you can – at all times; guard the Two Cool Prayers in your whole lifetime.

More than twenty persons Companions of Ahmad (that is, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)) – the chosen one of Ar-Rahmân – brought Reports over the issue from he who came with the Revelation with plainness and no hiding.

Thus the most soothing thing to the hearts are these reports with their likes; they are the delight of Îmân.

By Allâh, if not (the grace) of seeing Allâh Ar-Rahmân in the Gardens, they will not please those who know.

The greatest bliss is the bliss of seeing His Face and talking to Him in the Garden of Bliss. And the greatest thing in His punishment is His Screen from the dwellers of Fire.

When the believers see Him, they will forget what condition they might have been which the eyes have seen.

And when He conceals Himself from them, they will go back to their enjoyment in the rest of the colours.

They will have bliss when they see Him apart from the (former) bliss; how splendid are the two blisses!

Haven't you heard the question of the most knowledgeable person among His creation with regard to His Mightiness, he that that was sent with the Qur'ân?

Out of love for Him and joy of seeing (Him) which is in His Face – the Mighty the Lord and Possessor of Authority.

The longing is the delight of his soul in this life and on the Day of Resurrecting the bodies.

The eyes will see the enjoyment via looking (at Him); the eyes which made their possessor to become save; not the rest of the limbs.

By Allâh, there is nothing in this world as enjoyable as the longing a slave will have for Ar-Rahmân. So also is seeing His Face – the Mighty – is the most complete of all forms of enjoyment for mankind.

But the Jahmiyyah reject this and that, so also they reject seeing Allâh's Face out of fear of calamity.