Can A Woman Watch the TV in Her Friend's House When She Visits Her?

Saturday 17-Nov-2018, 10:05AM / 1308

Question: If a woman visits another woman and the latter has a TV (in her home), is it permissible for her (the visitor) to watch it or not?

Answer: It is basically not permissible to watch the TV if the channel has musical instruments played over it, so also is if the person talking on the TV is a man because the woman will look at him, and we (women-folk) have been commanded to lower our gaze from men.

But if there are no musical instruments played on the channel, and the person talking is not a man, she should still avoid it because watching it opens door to evil.

The TV has a lot of evil among which is the picture. It has come from the Prophet (Sallallâhu alayhi wa sallam) that he said:

'Angels do not enter a house that has a dog and a picture.'

The authenticity of the hadîth is agreed over by Al-Bukhâri and Muslim, in the hadîth of Abu Talhah (may Allâh be pleased with him).

Therefore the harm that can come from TV is much than can be estimated.

Adapted from: 'My sincere Advice to Women.'